Sacred Jordan: A Biblical Passage

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*6 - 11 yrs. old is a child    
Hotel Rooms: Rooms capacity not equal to persons number
Single Supplement fee
Jordan, with its 100+ biblical sites, fills your soul with profound faith. Its landscapes echo the stories of luminaries like Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and more, promising a captivating and deeply moving experience.

Tour details:

8 Days 7 Nights
Start in:
Finish in: Jordan-Aqaba

Technical Details

Meeting People


4x4 safari in Wadi Rum as stated in the itinerary
Accommodations as per itinerary
All transportations in modern Vehicle
Breakfast and dinner meals
English Speaking Driver
English speaking site guide in Jerash for 1.5 hrs.
English speaking site guide in Petra for 2 hrs.
Entrance Fees to the sites mentioned in the program
Meet and assist upon arrival points
Visas and formalizations


Any other services not mentioned
Flight tickets
Lunch meal unless mentioned in the itinerary
Personal travel insurance and expenses
Scuba Divig and Snorkelling
Tips for service providers as per itinerary

1 Amman Airport - Amman

Upon your arrival, our representative will greet you and facilitate the visa process for your entry into Jordan. Subsequently, you will meet our driver to proceed to Amman, where you will enjoy dinner and spend the night

2 Amman City Tour - Ajloun - Jerash - Amman

Begin your day with breakfast at the hotel, followed by a captivating city tour of Jordan's capital, referred to in the Bible as Rabbath Ammon. Nestled on a series of hills known as jabals, Amman unveils spectacular panoramas at every corner. Perched atop Jabal Qala'a is the Citadel, a site that has witnessed the ebb and flow of civilizations over the past 7,000 years. Noteworthy features include the Temple of Hercules, the Umayyad Palace, and the remnants of a small Byzantine Church. Descend to the base of the hill to discover the Roman Theatre, a 6,000-seat marvel constructed in 161 CE, still used for cultural events today.

Next, venture into the wooded terrain of Ajloun to explore Al Rabad Castle, also known as Ajloun Castle. Despite its appearance as a Crusader fortress, it was constructed by Muslims in 1184 as a military stronghold to safeguard the region from Crusader invasions. Following a scenic drive through the countryside, delve into the remarkable Roman ruins of Jerash. Immerse yourself in its exceptionally well-preserved ambiance, where you can almost sense the lively chatter of merchants and the clatter of chariot wheels on cobblestone streets. This ancient marvel showcases breathtaking arches, temples, and baths, all remarkably preserved. Conclude the day with a return to Amman for dinner and an overnight.

3Amman - Umm Al Rasas - Mt. Nebo - Madaba

Start your day with breakfast at the hotel, and then set out to explore Umm Al Rasas, the ancient city of Kastron Mefaa. Mentioned by the prophet Jeremiah in his condemnation of Moab, this significant archaeological site was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2004. Uncover the rich history as you discover fifteen Byzantine churches, two oil presses, and a winery. Among the notable churches are the Church of Bishop Serguis (587 AD) and the Church of St. Stephen (785 AD), both adorned with magnificent mosaics.

Continue your journey to Mount Nebo, retracing the steps of Moses and taking in the breathtaking view of the Promised Land, just as he did over 2,000 years ago. On clear days, Jerusalem, Jericho, and the Dead Sea come into view. A memorial in honor of Moses is situated at the entrance to the early Byzantine Christian church, believed to be the place of his passing. Conclude the day with a visit to Madaba, where you can marvel at the oldest preserved ancient mosaic map of the Holy Land within the Church of St. George. Enjoy dinner and an overnight.

4 Madaba - Bethany - Dead Sea

Begin your day with breakfast at the hotel, and then proceed to Bethany, an archaeological site renowned as one of the most significant biblical discoveries globally. Commencing excavations in 1996, researchers have unveiled more than 20 churches, caves, and baptismal pools dating back to the Roman and Byzantine periods. This site is believed to be where John the Baptist resided, Jesus was baptized, and the first five apostles convened. As you traverse the path leading to the Jordan River, witness a transformative journey from a dry desert to a tropical oasis, echoing Prophet Jeremiah's depiction of it as "the jungle of the Jordan."

Conclude the day at the Dead Sea, the world's largest natural spa and one of the most distinctive places on earth. The water and mud of the Dead Sea have been renowned for their healing properties since Biblical times. Experience the peculiar sensation of effortless floating, as the mystical waters are so saturated with salt and minerals that sinking is impossible. It's a truly unique experience for both body and soul. Enjoy dinner and spend the night at the Dead Sea.

5 Dead Sea - Mukawir - Karak - Petra

Enjoy breakfast at the hotel, and then embark on a morning journey to Mukawir. This fortress perches atop a desolate mountain and was originally constructed by Alexander Jannaeus, the king of Judea from 103 BC to 76 BC. Later, Herod the Great reconstructed it as a military stronghold to protect his territories east of the Jordan. In 32 AD, within the palace at the heart of this fortress, the infamous incident unfolded where Salome persuaded Herod to present her with the head of John the Baptist on a plate.

Your next destination is Kerak, where you will explore the 12th-century Crusader castle erected over the remains of earlier citadels, some dating back to Nabataean times. While the castle itself may be more imposing than beautiful, it stands as an impressive testament to the architectural and military prowess of the Crusaders. The panoramic view over the region from the castle is nothing short of spectacular. Conclude the day in Petra with dinner and an overnight.

6Petra, prviate guided tour/overnight

Enjoy breakfast at the hotel before embarking on a day of exploration in the legendary Rose Red city of Petra. This Nabataean city, constructed over 2,000 years ago, is concealed within a vast rocky mountain and accessed through a high and narrow gorge. With monumental facades and stunning buildings hewn out of solid rock, UNESCO hails this breathtaking site as "one of the most precious cultural properties of man's cultural heritage" and one of the New 7 Wonders of the World.

We will take care of your entrance fees and arrange for a private English-speaking site guide who will accompany you for 2.5 to 3 hours to explore the main attractions of the lower part of the city. Starting from the main gate, you'll traverse the Siq to visit iconic sites such as the Treasury, Street of Facades, the Theatre, all the way down to the Nympheom and Qaser El-Bent. Following the guided tour, you'll have some free hours to further explore on your own. Afterward, return to the main gate and then to your 3-star hotel in Petra for dinner and an overnight stay.

7Petra - Little Petra - Wadi Rum - Aqaba

Start your day with breakfast at the hotel, followed by a journey to Little Petra, traditionally considered a resting place for ancient caravans traveling along the spice route. Enter the site through a narrow gorge named Siq al-Baird, where you'll encounter tombs, temples, and dining halls. Delve into the mysteries of the stairways leading up through the cliffs, including one that leads to a dining area adorned with a vibrant Nabataean fresco.

Near Little Petra, continue your exploration at the ancient Neolithic settlement believed to date back to 7000 BC. Following this historical venture, head to the "vast, echoing, and God-like" Wadi Rum, where you'll immerse yourself in the solitude and enchantment of the desert landscape. Embark on a 2-hour sunset jeep safari, experiencing one of the most exhilarating rides of your life. Marvel at the towering, castle-like mountains and beautifully colored cliffs that stretch in every direction.

After the safari, continue your journey to the seaside resort town of Aqaba for dinner and an overnight.

8Aqaba - Amman Airport

Enjoy breakfast at the hotel, and following that, based on your flight details, we will commence the approximately 4-hour drive to Amman Airport for your departure. Safe travels!


  • In order to make use of the frist day, we recommend to choose later morning/afternoon arrival flight, so you could explore some more of Jordan.
  • Please consider at least 4-hour drive from Aqaba to Amman airport when scheduling your departure flight on the last day...
  • It is always recommended to check the page of (Before you go) and other USEFUL LINKS below.


  • Extra tours and services rather than mentioned above are subject of costs supplement

  • Tour guiding services for individuals is available and upon request with subejct of additonal costs


  • Individuals 1 - 6 people will be having site tour guides in Petra & Jerash
  • Groups of 7 people and more, will be escorted by a tour guide for the days trips.

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